So you have your big screen TV in the living room and you are still pumping it full of yesterday’s technology. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that blue ray is anything but yesteryear’s leftovers. They scratch just like regular DVDs do and they also get lost or get found by the wrong people. I can’t remember how many times a girlfriend broke up with me because she found my porn catalog and freaked the fuck out.
Fuck all of that madness!
You need to get yourself a subscription to and stream porn from the cloud. You can purchase scenes, entire DVD’s or rent an entire porn catalog from the top producers of porn!
Think about it. You can sift through your collection of shit you’ve seen hundreds of times or you can explore 1000’s of new DVD’s from hundreds of producers and lock in rates as low as $8 a month to watch their libraries of porn with unlimited streaming. This will also work on your mobile devices like iPads and smart phones.
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